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PNP Cut-off for Alberta drops to 300. Will this continue?


Alberta announced its new draw on July 27th 2021.

2,761 is the number of candidates that Alberta has invited to apply for immigration under the AINP since January 2021 till date. Under the 'Alberta Immigration Nominee Program' (AINP), a total of 148 candidates were issued invitations to apply, the cut off for which dropped to a low of 300 under the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) model of evaluation.

The number invitations may seem low in this draw as compared to the last one, but what is notable is the cut off limit of 300. Out of a total allowance of 6,250 invitations that Alberta can issue under this program, the province has achieved just 44% , while approx. 60% of the year has passed. This has sparked a lot of commotion between eligible candidates who missed on entering the pool and have been waiting for the immigration programs to start full swing.

Now that the vaccination drives across the world is going full throttle, it is only a matter of time that Canada will look to release its restrictions on immigrations. Under these circumstance, it is only advisable to keep your profiles ready for submission, as the criteria for sending nominations may change based on the relaxation of the travel restrictions by Canada. There is every possibility that the trend of a low cut-off may continue and those in pool will undoubtedly have the first preference and may be able to take advantage before any of the criteria changes.

If you have made up your mind to relocate to Canada, you can click this link and connect with a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant, who can advise you on your options based on your profile.

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