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Canada-Peru Free Trade

Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement

The Canada-Peru FTA defines the free trade between Peru and Canada was signed in May 2008 but became effective on 1st august 2009. It covers the same four categories as under CUSMA but is different from CUSMA as it also extends to permanent residents and not just citizens of each country, including Columbia & Puerto Rico.


Category of business visitors now includes ‘Meetings and Consultations’ and after-sales servicing includes after-lease servicing. Under the General Service, added categories comprise of cook personnel (cooks and assistants) attending or participating in gastronomic events or exhibitions, or consulting with business associates; information and communication technology service providers attending meetings, seminars or conferences, or engaged in consultations with business associates; and franchise traders and developers who seek to offer their services. Unlike CUSMA, an inter-company transferee under this agreement needs to be employed with the parent company for only 6 months as compared to one year under CUSMA. Another addition to the category of intra-company transferee is that of a management trainee on professional development, who is an employee with a post-secondary degree on a temporary assignment to enhance his knowledge and experience in preparation for a senior leadership position within the company.


Professionals not covered are those from the Health, Education, Social Services and related occupations as well as occupations related to Cultural Industries. Other excluded occupations are Recreation, Sports and Fitness Program and Service Directors; Managers in Telecommunication Carriers, Postal and Courier Services; Managers in Manufacturing; Managers in Utilities; Managers in Construction and Transportation; and Judges, Lawyers and Notaries except Foreign Legal Consultants. Technicians, supervisors and contractors are covered as per the positive list.

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